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School Values

Values-based Education at College Road Primary School


''Values help me be the best person I can be.'' Year 2 child


At College Road, we embrace the principles of Values-based Education which seeks to promote educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment through the consideration of an ethical values vocabulary. 


We believe that values are principles that guide out behaviour. At College Road, we aim to promote positive human values such as patience, respect, appreciation and acceptance to all members of our school and wider community. These core values are the foundation upon which our school ethos exists, empowering pupils as reflective learners and ensuring their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, so that they develop their own moral compass for what is right or wrong, and ultimately become good citizens. Our Values philosophy therefore underpins our work to actively promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures. 


Click on the link below to view our values by month in a 2 year cycle. 

Values Wow!

VbE Monthly Newsletters: