Learners of the Week
Here are this week's brilliant 'Learners of the Week'. A big well done to all of them!

Headteacher's Award
Every term, 2 children from each class receive the Headteacher's award for being a shining example. These are children who always set a great example for others to follow.
Well done to our winners this term!

Values Ambassadors
Every Friday two children from each class are chosen to be values ambassadors. These are children who have been using their values brilliantly during the week.
This week (7th February 2025), our values ambassadors are...
Puffins - Maisie & Anaiya
Kittiwakes - Wynter & Tommy M
Guillemots - Dexter & Lily
Shearwaters - Oliver M & Norah
Little Egrets - Sarina & Travis
Oystercatchers - Hughey & Violet
Sandpipers - Holly G & Kani
Every Friday we count up the number of times each child has read at home. Everyone who has read 3 or more times goes into a draw and one child from each class chosen to go to the Keep for hot chocolate, biscuits and a story.
Well done to this week's winners
Little Egrets:
The attendance award for the week ending 07.02.25 goes to...
Guillemots with 97.33%. A big well done to them!
Here are the class percentages for the week...
Puffins - %
Kittiwakes - 94.83%
Guillemots - 97.33%
Shearwaters - 92.86%
Little Egrets - 95%
Oystercatchers - 94.48%
Sandpipers - 95.81%