Our Vision
At College Road our vision for Physical Education, Sport and Health is that every child should leave school with a positive outlook towards exercise, sport and keeping healthy. Sport and health are a proud part of the College Road experience and we hope that this continues to grow in the future; preparing our children for life after primary school.
We aim to encourage and nurture children by providing them with the opportunity to take part in weekly high-quality P.E. lessons and physical activity that are fun, engaging and inspire children to lead physically active lives. We aim to maximise the development of every child's ability to achieve in the area of P.E. and to learn more about healthy lifestyles.
By Key Stage 2 children will have at least 2 hours of fun, exciting and active P.E. sessions, at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day and the opportunity to take part in sporty afterschool clubs. We are aware that research shows a direct link between children's physical and mental health and therefore encourage and educate children on achieving a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle where looking after your mental health is promoted.
Our curriculum has been carefully designed so that demonstration of skill as well as declarative knowledge is built upon and that learning takes place in a series of lessons. P.E. in Keystage 2 is taught by a sports coach and our teachers provide additional P.E. lessons during each week ensuring that children experience a wide range of different sports and practices.
We try to maximise children's opportunity to keep moving; we promote movement breaks, provide play time equipment and value and train sporting leaders who organise lunch time games, events and competitions.
At College Road we strive to give as many children as possible the opportunity to compete in internal school challenges as well as representing the school at local sporting competitions and events. We hope that in doing so, children will be able to use their values in a way to develop greater confidence, teamwork and learn that win or lose they do it with grace and sportsmanship.