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Our Vision


"We are not makers of history. We are made by history".

Martin Luther King, Jr


The evidence of history is all around us, and we especially aim to examine and understand the people and events of our city's significant and rich heritage and how this links to the history of wider society. Our history curriculum builds from children's own experience through to more distant and contrasting periods of history, developing understanding of links and comparisons between history and our modern world. 

Our curriculum is structured to develop children's chronological understanding, enabling them to draw comparisons between different periods and places as they progress through the school, deepening their understanding of the story of our past. We provide opportunities for all children to build their interest and understanding through carefully planned experiences including trips and engaging learning within school. We aim for our children to be curious and critical in their approach to historical sources, and in the consideration of issues of equality and diversity that will arise in their studies of different periods.
