School Clubs
In addition to our Extracurricular Clubs, we also offer a Breakfast and Afterschool Childcare Club which are run by members of the school staff during term time. The clubs are open to all of the children in school.
Breakfast Club
Opening times: 7:45am-8:45am. Breakfast (cereal, toast, fruit, drinks etc) is provided and there are activities inside for the children to enjoy.
Breakfast club charges are as follows:
£3.50 per day
£15.00 per week
This means if your child attends the whole week they receive a reduced session. These charges are processed every Friday by the school office, you can pay for this via the schools cashless system. We do ask that children are booked in to breakfast club at least one week in advance.
Afterschool Childcare Club
Opening times: 3.15pm-5:00pm. A light, healthy snack and a choice of drinks is provided with lots of activities both inside and out for the children to enjoy.
Afterschool Childcare Club charges are as follows:
Session 1: 3:15pm-4:15pm £5.50
Session 2: 3:15pm-5:00pm £6.50
Our Afterschool Childcare Club is held in The KEEP. This is a paid for in advance and bookings are made via your child's School Money account. Please ensure you notify the School Office of any changes to your contact details.
Afterschool Childcare Club contact number: 07766604530
Extracurricular Clubs
We offer a range of extracurricular clubs every week. Staff members run lunchtime and afterschool clubs covering all different activities, some of these include: sport, reading and choir.